Federated Single Sign-On

Federated Single Sign-On allows you to access cross-organisational applications with the same account.

With your UGent e-mail address and password, you can log in to (web) applications of trusted organisations.

How does Federated Single Sign-On work?

  • Your UGent account gives you access to UGent's electronic facilities. Via CAS, UGent's Central Authentication Service, you can log in to secure web pages. This is called authentication.
  • If you need access to a (web) application of a trusted organisation for study or work purposes, UGent transfers information about your identity to the trusted organisation with your permission.
  • After receiving this information, it determines whether you will be granted access to the requested application.
  • If so, you will be authorised. There is no need to log in again because the trusted organisation knows that you have been successfully authenticated by UGent.

Who can use Federated Single Sign-On?

Anyone with a UGent account can use Federated Single Sign-On. Exactly what you can do depends on the operational agreements between UGent and the trusted organisations.

How to use Federated Single Sign-On?

  • Surf to the trusted organisation's (web) application.
  • Click on sign in.
  • You must now specify at which institution you authenticate.
    Choose your institution from the list. We will use "UGent" here.
    • Tip: use the search box if necessary.
  • If you were not already registered, you will be taken to the central UGent registration page. Log in with UGent e-mail address and password.
  • Once you are enrolled at UGent, the consent form follows.
    UGent asks permission to pass information about your identity to the (web) application of the trusted organisation when registering.
    • Check "Remember" if you you want to save this choice.
    • Then choose "Yes, continue" or "No, cancel"
  • If you chose "Yes, continue", you will be taken to the trusted organisation's application. If not, you get the message "You did not give consent for transferring your attributes" with an option to return to the consent page.

Trusted organisations

Some examples of applications from trusted organisations where you can simply log in with your UGent account thanks to Federated Single Sign-On: