Manage mailing lists at

Create an announcement list

Subscribers can post messages on announcement lists without being able to send messages themselves. These are actually newsletters: electronic magazines, daily services (daily weather reports, daily safety messages, etc.), notifications of updates from a website, etc. This type of mailing list includes information from one unique sender to a large number of addressees.

For other types of lists, you can consult the full manual.

Log in on Make a new list. Complete the following fields. Tip: The question mark icon provides help to complete.

Send your list creation request.

Wait for a confirmation email. It will looks like this:

Sender: SYMPA []

Topic: mylist mailing list creation mailing list was activated by the listmaster.

[% %] homepage

mylist administration page

Currently the list mylist has been created. In the menu bar on the left it shows:

Subscribers: 0

(Error rate:0 %)
your name
Contact owners

To use the list, you now need to configure it completely. Use the menu bar on the left.
PLEASE NOTE: you record WHO can see and do WHAT. You can also adjust the configuration of an existing list.

Admin - Change List Configuration

In the Admin menu, click on Change List Configuration

List definition - adjust the list definition

Note: don't forget to click on "Edit" at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Sending/receiving - You can specify who can send messages to this list.

Note: don't forget to click on "Edit" at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Privileges - on this page you can specify who can see the list information and who can register.

Note: for more confidentiality you should definitely adjust the default settings!

Note: don't forget to click "Edit" at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Archives - on this page you define who gets access to the online archives (at (these are the mails that were sent to the list).
Under the heading "Web archives", next to "access right" you choose:

Note: don't forget to click on "Edit" at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Bounces: you do not need to adjust anything here.

Data sources: not accessible, on request

Miscellaneous: you do not need to adjust anything here

The next step is to add the subscribers.

In the menu Admin, click on Manage Subscribers


Edit the name of an existing list


Add an extra owner (= administrator of subscribers)

Owners manage the subscribers of the list. They can add or remove email addresses from the mailing list. If you are a privileged owner of the list, you can also add other owners to the mailing list. Privileged owners can edit a few options more than other owners.


How do I maintain the list of subscribers?

Online help (Sympa) :

Via the website

Het lijstbeheersprogramma beschikt over bounce management zodat lijsteigenaars geen manuele opvolging hoeven te doen.
Bounce e-mail is mail die is teruggestuurd naar de afzender omdat die om de een of andere reden niet kon worden bezorgd.


How do I moderate my list?

Online help (Sympa) : Engelstalig

Via e-mail

Via the website


When a list is moderated, all posts must be approved by one of the moderators before being distributed.

To distribute the attached mail on mypublicwebforum list:
Or send a message to with the following subject :
DISTRIBUTE mypublicwebforum 54f72f735e5591b8250f83f4a7cb48f7
To refuse it (the message will be thrown out): 
Or send a message to with the following subject:
REJECT mypublicwebforum 54f72f735e5591b8250f83f4a7cb48f7

Message(s) are waiting to moderate for list 1

You can also moderate via the website


Moderation appointments

The following sections provide some simple guidelines for moderating lists.

As a user you are bound by the rules of proper use.

What is possible?

What is not possible?

When in doubt

A call for participation in a solidarity action where there is an indirect connection with staff/students of

Some examples:
