Digital signing at Ghent University

Ghent University uses Connective's eSignatures as a digital platform for placing eIDAS-compliant digital signatures. For more information about the platform, please refer to the supplier's website.

Have you received an email from asking to sign a document?

Click on the link in the email to open the document. Please note: for security reasons, the link can only be used once. When the link has expired, you will be given the option to generate a new link.

You have several options:

Warning: To sign with an eID you will be asked to download and install a plug-in from the Chrome Web Store. To do this, follow the instructions that appear on your screen. More info (pdf)

After performing one of the above actions you can close your browser window.

After complete processing of the document, you will receive another email containing a link to download the fully signed document.

More info?

Detailed information can be found on the supplier's help page.