On Windows devices not yet registered in Intune, a pop-up appears when logging in. In doubt whether your device should also be registered in Intune?
User-bound, standard Windows devices of UGent employees (usually laptops) must be registered in Intune:
Shared, public and technical Windows devices (mostly desktops) should not be in Intune and will be managed with ECM. Specifically:
Do you conclude that your device should not be in Intune but in ECM instead? Contact your local system administrator as soon as possible or let us know via ICT HelpMe.
User-bound, standard Windows devices of UGent employees (mostly laptops) will be registered in Intune. Shared, public and technical Windows devices (mostly desktops) will be managed with ECM.
The registration in Intune of some devices will be postponed for a while:
After thorough consideration, an approach based on the Endpoint Configuration Manager (ECM) was chosen to manage shared, public and technical devices. That technology has been used at UGent for several years for managing mainly servers. Since ECM does not require complete reconfiguration, it is less invasive for both system administrators and end users.