Mijnapps FAQ

You can easily determine the helpdesk that you need to contact, based on the groups in the SAP MijnApps portal:
(See below for a printscreen of the groups in sapmijnapps portaal.)

E.g. questions about the application Telework Request or Bicycle day register? -> please contact :
Questions about tiles in the  SAP MijnApps Group: Contact helpdesk: Who is this:
Human Resources DPO@ugent.be DPO helpdesk
Finance helpdesk.dfin@ugent.be DFIN helpdesk
Environment, Health and Safety  m-chem@ugent.be Environment, Health and Safety helpdesk
Financial Project Management Focus@ugent.be Focus helpdesk
Research Gismo@UGent.be Gismo Helpdesk
General DICT HelpMe DICT helpdesk
Facilitair beheer DICT HelpMe DICT helpdesk

To find the relevant group of the application: on the SAP MijnApps portal.

Created: 12 January 2022
Last updated: 23 January 2023 10:23:03
Logon to SAP MijnApps :

Go to your me-area and choose “Edit Home page”

scroll to the relevant group e.g. “Human Resources ” and click on : "reset" in the top right corner.

The following information message appears:

Click on "Reset".

The bicycle application re-appears.

Click Close.

For the general user manual of SAP Mijn Apps: 
Mijn Apps General
Created: 12 January 2022
Last updated: 19 April 2023 13:36:53
Go via de UGent preferred browser, this is Google Chrome, to sapmijnapps.ugent.be via the UGent domein (of VPN).

you can still work with other Internet browsers, but the use of the SAP MijnApps functionalities are then not guaranteed.
Try to open the tile with Google Chrome. If this still does not work, then contact DICT helpdesk.

Go to : sapmijnapps.ugent.be

Created: 12 January 2022
Last updated: 2 May 2023 07:23:58
The solution for this message is the same as when tiles do not appear on the SAP MijnApps portal at all : 

Please refer to FAQ : https://otrsdict.ugent.be/otrs/index.pl?Action=AgentFAQZoom;ItemID=41


Created: 12 January 2022
Last updated: 23 January 2023 10:40:05
No, SAP no longer provides an app in Apple App store and Google Play store. The former SAP Fiori app is no longer supported, so be sure to remove it as well. There is a tutorial available on how to install a link on your smartphone to easily access SAP MijnApps. Check it out :  here.
Created: 28 April 2023
Last updated: 19 September 2023 10:52:27
Select in the Google Chrome browser the link: sapmijnapps.ugent.be
or  click on the SAP MijnApps logo in Athena.

You can also access SAP MijnApps on your smartphone. Click here for the installation instruction. 

Created: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 5 May 2023 14:42:25
  • Open your web browser (e.g. Google Chrome) and go to https://jusprd.aps.ugent.be/
  • You will now arrive at the SAP My Apps homepage.
  • Click on Personnel in the menu at the top
  • Then click on the Manage My Personal Data tile.
  • In the screen that opens, choose Communication
  • You will now go to the section where you can find your personal communication data, choose Manage My Communication Data. 
  • Go to the Email button. 
  • Click on Edit
  • Enter your private email address here (not a UGent address or address from another company or school) and press Save at the bottom.
  • Your private email address has now been changed. If for any reason you ever change your email address, you must immediately change it again using this procedure so that your contact details within UGent remain up to date.

Created: 29 May 2024
Last updated: 29 May 2024 09:46:46