Virtual servers


DICT offers for faculty departments the opportunity to set up and manage a virtual server.
Instead of purchasing their own (physical) server, they can use a virtual server on the central VMWare vSphere environment.

Each faculty department may use the virtualization platform provided by DICT.
You may request a virtual server, see the How? section.

There are some conditions attached to this service, see terms and conditions use
This means that as an administrator you automatically agree to these terms and conditions of use.

Virtual Server Terms and Conditions

These rules can be modified or updated at any time and are applicable after their publication and announcement.
When a modification happens, an email will be sent to all virtual server administrators to point it out.

Terms and Conditions version 2021-2025.


Requesting a Virtual Server can be done via the Selfservice request form. If you do not have access to this, you can always request a virtual server by contacting the helpdesk.
Based on the completed data, the network administrator will take care of the IP registration.
Next, the virtual server is created.

The following items are requested:

When a port is selected to be Internet accessible, the virtual server will be given an address in the public range (Subnet 244). In all other cases, for security reasons, the server is created in a range only accessible within the UGentNet (Subnet 172)

Managing the virtual machine

To manage your new virtual machine - in particular to boot it and start the installation of the operating system - follow the following procedure:
