Phishing and SPAM (FAQ)

Please report every suspicious email using the procedure below. Don't forward it to the helpdesk.

Note: more extensive IT security incidents (e.g. your identity or the identity of a colleague is used for targeted phishing emails) must be reported according to the procedure described in How do I report an IT security incident?

Below can find the instructions depending on your email client:

  • web interface O365
  • outlook mail client
  • outlook mobile phone app

Report suspicious email in Outlook on the web

Follow these steps if you're using Outlook in your web browser (e.g., Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, etc.).

  1. For PHISH ONLY, you can simply click on Report button in the menu bar
  2. To choose Junk or Phish, you need to click on the dropdown button
  3. Click on Report phishing or Report Junk
Alternatively, you can Right-click on a message and use Report > Report junk or Report > Report phishing options from the context menu

Report suspicious emails in Outlook for Windows and Mac

Follow these steps if you're using the desktop application on a Windows or Mac computer.

  1. Click on an email to view the message
  2. On Windows, click on the Report Message button located under Home in the top menu (if not shown; click the three elipses)

    On Mac, click on the More Options ellipses (3 dots)
  3. Click on Junk or Phishing in the popup menu that appears

Report suspicious emails using Outlook for iOS and Android

The following describes the method for Android devices. The method used for iOS devices should be similar.

  1. Tap on an email to view the message or Tap and hold to select it
  2. Tap on More actions ellipses (3 dots) on the top-right corner of the message
  3. Tap the Report junk or Tap on Junk or Phishing


Report spam

You can also forward spam messages to
Created: 17 February 2023
Last updated: 29 February 2024 11:01:02

Phishing is a type of computer fraud, criminals use to try stealing passwords, account numbers, credit card numbers or other personal information. Through false messages that are difficult to distinguish from real e-mail messages and that will look familiar to you, you will be asked to pass the required information to them. Or you might be asked to visit a familiar looking website and to enter your details there. All personal information you enter on this phishing website can be used in fraudulent transactions or to commit crimes using another identity.

Phishing messages have been and will be sent to UGent email addresses. It goes without saying, that you do NOT reply to this type of messages.

Ghent University will never request your account information via email.

If account information (login names, passwords, codes, ...) is requested (via reference to a website), it is always phishing.

If you question the authenticity of an e-mail, please contact the helpdesk.

Report phishing

What does DICT do?

Created: 24 February 2023
Last updated: 3 May 2023 09:30:42

Spam is a generic term for unwanted messages. Usually, the term junk e-mail or unsolicited bulk e-mail is intended, but unwanted advertising on websites (eg. forums) also falls under spam. Characteristics of spam messages:

  • messages are sent in large quantities, to thousands of people simultaneously.
  • spam has a commercial purpose. The messages usually refer to a product or website.
  • the messages are sent or posted without permission or knowledge of the site, or the recipient.
  • Spam messages may seem to be sent by yourself.
Measures taken by DICT to combat spam.

How to report spam.
Created: 27 February 2023
Last updated: 3 April 2023 10:05:30
Log in on to the Phished Academy and look on your personal dashboard:

Created: 8 May 2024
Last updated: 27 May 2024 08:14:26