UGent Global Namespace

By implementing the UGent Global Namespace you can address all your shares and network folders via one sole drive mapping

The following network drives will be automatically mounted on Athena and all computers that were installed using the rollout system and are part of the Active Directory domain.


By implementing the UGent Global Namespace you can use all your shares and network folders from one single location.

Replace the loginname with your own username.

You can mount the network path to a drive letter of choice.

After mounting \\\loginnaam you see the Global Namespace Root (G:-drive) from where you will be able to see and use both all your personal files and the files on a shared network location, without any further mapping.

You will only see the directories to which you have access. The root (G:) itself is read-only.

G:\homeThe windows home-drive: personal disk space; only you have access.
G:\shares(*) Shared disk space (without webspace) accessible to a limited group.
G:\WWWPersonal and shared (*) web space

* staff only